Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You're from Alaska?

While in Minnesota, I have come to realize that being from Alaska can be real awesome and real annoying. A couple weeks ago, I was at the gas station and this is the conversation that transpired:

Her: "I like your necklace, but I need to see your id"
Me: : "Thanks! Ok, here you go"
Her: Upon examining my id: "GO BACK TO ALASKA!!"
Me: "Uhh..."
Her: "Why are you here?"
Me, in an effort to speed up this real awkward convo: "I moved here"
Her: "Huh, what's it like up there"
Me: "Gorgeous"
Her: "Yeah, I would like to go up there, but only for a couple days and come back HOME."
Me: "Ok, well, thanks, bye"

Strangely, she was extremely defensive of Minnesota and seemed to be upset that I even had the nerve to move here. My mind was blown! Really, I mean REALLY?!?! You are going to be upset at me? You don't even know what Alaska is like and why should you care. That was probably the most outrageous response I have received for my Alaska id.

It gets better... At the Twins game a few days later, I was ordering a Dome Dog and my cashier was a black man. He looked at my id and said: Alaska! (as per usual). He was staring for awhile so I said: "Top right corner" (for my dob) he said: "I see it, I am just in awe." At this point I was like, in awe with me? ooooh snap! Then he said to me: "There aren't any black people up there, are there?" me: "Yes!" him: "What like 4? me: "Um, no, not 4!" then he proceeded to tell 3 other cashiers, that there ARE black people in AK and they all need to go there. I was DYING!!!! best AK drivers license encounters yet! He was super sweet and hilarious!!!


What's Cool in AK said...

Loved this post, especially the part about the defensive Minnesotan! (snow envy?)

Rebekah Clausing said...

So glad you posted about people's response to you being from Alaska! I think you should also form a list of the top 10 most asked questions, such as: 'So, do you know Sarah Palin?' 'Do you speak Native?' 'Have you ever been to a village?' 'Alaska? You're a long way from home!'