Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dear Car...Can't you learn how to clean yourself?

My lovely Subaru, that I really need to take better care of...

Ok, there are a few things I really drag my feet doing and one of the big ones is cleaning my car. This may come as a shock to you, but I have not washed my car since I moved to NY, and when I say wash, I mean drive it through a car wash (which is one of my biggest fears) or even throw a splash of water on it... Is this laziness? Probably...get over it. The inside of my car is a whole different story. The only way to describe it is a shit show. I basically have enough outfits (including shoes and jackets) to last me for a week or any emergency, a tent (you know, just in case I need to set it up in the middle of Central Park for some reason), one random flip flop, one random mitten, a couple blankets, numerous cds, and don't forget my shopping bags that I refuse to take into my apartment after I go shopping. This has got to stop. Basically my only motivation for cleaning out my car is when I go visit someone and need to haul stuff (Lis, Gram and Gramp, etc.) News Flash: when you car is dirty, no one can ride with you and frankly, it's disgusting. Granted, I really don't have any passengers with me, ever, except 1, but that is still no excuse. I mean, the dust on my dash has been accumulating since 1983, get real! My goal this weekend? Clean my car. That is it, I have to put my foot down sometime and that time is now! Happy cleaning to me!

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