Friday, June 15, 2012


My Mom and Dad at Christmas:) My two favorite people.

Moms, they are the best. We all think "mine is better than yours". Well, I am here to tell you that my Mom is the best because she is MY Mom:) And, your mom is the best because she is YOUR Mom. So yes, all moms are the best for their children. But really, my mom and I are quite great together and we are very similar. We have roadtripped together, cried together, laughed together. We can talk for hours on end about life, celebrities, decorating, you name it! She is my confidant, my rock and the one who tells me to get a grip and get over it!

My Mom has always been tough love, but I do believe that since having grandkids she has softened up a bit. She has always been that mom that will tell you to pick yourself up and brush yourself off, you are fine. I adore her and admire her strength and kindness to others. She really just makes my life and the life of my family and so many others so much more wonderful!

She can cook like a maniac and make a mean Beergarita, her signature drink! She pretty much dominates at everything Martha Stewart-ish. So creative, so inspired. She is the mother to 4 amazing kids, grandmother to 7 beautiful grandkids and the wife to one phenomenal husband:) Yep, that's my mom. So today Mom, on your birthday and every day, I miss you and wish you were here and love you more:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Mom!!!