Friday, January 30, 2009


Mt. Redoubt, blow your damn top already! It will be good times all around, so get on with it. But be warned, you scratch my car with your ash, or force me to wear one of those hideous face masks, and I will take you down my friend!!


Amy said...

I know! Can it please erupt already?? I have a feeling we'll not only be wearing masks, but goggles too. I have some cute pink ones, so I'm not too concerned :)

Unknown said...

I love how everyone up here is like "Freaking erupt already!". So ridiculous. Remember growing up when erupting volcanoes were just part of a normal AK life? We're nut jobs up here.

David Harper said...

I can't wait to make ash angels and to walk around maskless like a badass. I'm so over Redoubt.