Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to civilization...

When I lived in Alaska I was obsessed with my shows. I would dvr everything and anything. I loved tv. When I moved to New York, I did not want the added expense of internet and cable and I survived for 2 years without both, which is an accomplishment, and actually not very difficult. I got used to it. But, I definitely did miss boring nights with nothing else on but Cheaters... If I needed the internet I would venture to Starbucks and if I absolutely had to watch a show, I would just watch it on hulu. It worked for me.

Last night I came home to a wonderful surprise. Cable, internet and they threw in free dvr! Yahtzee!! I just really do not want to get sucked into tv again, but I am mostly excited about having football Sundays back! Now when people say, "Did you see ____ last night" I don't have to embarrassingly tell them "I don't have tv". It's the little things in life... Things are looking up, they truly are!

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