Sunday, September 11, 2011

Is It Really Fall?!?

Wow, how is it already September? I mean, come on! I had such big plans for this summer: the Jersey Shore, DC trip, Rockland Lake and camping to name a few. Ugh... none of those were accomplished. The weeks just got away from me. I found myself continually saying "It's ok, I'll do it next weekend." That weekend turns into 2 weekends from now, yada yada, you never do it. Story of my life. One fantastic thing about New York? A long Fall. In Alaska, Fall literally lasts about 2 weeks and its nothing exciting or that pretty. Mainly yellow leaves, real cold and then all you have to look forward to is snow. Well, welcome to an East Coast Fall: red/orange/yellow leaves, crisp 70 degree weather, maybe a little 60s or 80s mixed in as well, several weeks long, no snow expected until November or December (Booya!), perfect hiking and camping weather and you've got the perfect Fall!!! I'm excited to not suffocate from humidity when I walk out of my house, but I really would have been happier going into Fall with a better tan...oh well. Here's to a crisp, glorious Fall filled with camping and lots of hiking!

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