When I was little, I was obsessed with playing "office", I think I may have even liked it more than "grocery store" (which I was a HUGE fan of). I had all the necessities: a phone, business cards, checks, invoices, etc. I would sit at my "desk" (which was one of those kid wooden tables with the cute little chairs) for hours and just go to town. I would be the boss (of course) and employee. Apparently this was a one man office. Now that I think about it, I don't think I played with many friends when I was little (like pre-10 years old),
hmm. I had a few that I played with often, and that was about it. I do know I was really shy, maybe that was it. Family, you may need to fill me in on this, seriously, I have a very
sporadic memory when it comes to my childhood. Like, Hillary, are you sure we grew up in the same house, all I remember is going to your thousands of sporting events when you were it high school,
haha. Strangely, I seem to remember everything else in my life, really! It is kind of annoying how observant I am, it can be pretty
embarrassing. Okay, that was a way off subject, back to the point.
My destiny: to work in an office. WHAT?!?!?! No teaching, being Dr. Ross (aka a doctor AND the wife of George
Clooney from ER-- I would not have to change my name, and I would be married to George, YAHTZEE!!), or driving
Nascar for life? Damn! I was banking on
ok, I do like the office life. I love paperwork, it makes me feel accomplished. I can see what I have to get done, and watch my pile of papers dwindle. But, it is really overwhelming too. Like, do I really need 5, 6 inch stacks of paper on my desk at time, just waiting to be dealt with, probably not. I have got to do something to stop these paper storm troopers from invading my desk, I cannot take it anymore!
Whoo, One task at a time, one task at a time...
When I feel like adding one more piece of paper to the multiple stacks will make it tumble, I use post-its. Who am I kidding, I don't need an excuse to use a post-it. I can doodle all damn day on those things, they are magical. I literally have at least 100 used all over my desk and up the sides of my desk at any given time. It is like a fruit salad up in here. Don't judge. When I am done with the one little thing written on that post-it, I just shred it, then there is space for another. Making room for my friends, that is all I am doing here, don't worry about it.
I have worked in the same office for 7 years now and I still enjoy it. I like the client interaction. I like the computer work, paperwork, meetings, court, seminars, meet and greets. I love it all. The clients depend on me, my boss depends on me, pretty much everyone depends on me. But who do I depend on? Who am I supposed to go to for all the answers? I seem to have them for everyone else. The legal world is a crazy one, no joke. But, it challenges me everyday and it is a constant learning experience. I imagine I will be working in this field for a very long time. So, I think I am going to need a truck load of post-its. I like all colors, not just yellow. Keep that in mind.