Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Day aka Board Game Domination!!!

I love Thanksgiving! I'm pretty sure I like it more than Christmas. My whole family spends the weekend at our parents house on Reed Lake near Hatchers Pass, pretty much the most spectacular place on earth. Our family rules at Thanksgiving. We can eat and drink just like everyone else. But most of all, we can play board games better than any family I know. Our family and my uncle's family used to spend Thanksgiving together and play games for hours after dinner, aka Ross/Lourie Board Game Domination. They moved to the east coast a few years back and it has not been the same since. If you saw us in action, you would be floored. Lis and I were major telepathic, seriously. We pretty much rule at everything we do together, but games take the cake.

This year, the Johnson's (Bruce, Monica, Eric and Jason) joined us for dessert and Taboo after skating on the lake. They have a cabin right next to my parents house- fun!! We had been waiting all day to play Taboo. Years ago we realized that we dominate at board games because we are telepathic and we constantly laugh at eachother, so it's double the awesome. Example: This summer while playing Taboo, I gave the clue "Swiss Family Robinson" my mom said Ostrich. She was right. Really??? Who would say that, of all the things to say. This time was no different, there were many debacles that made for tons of hilarity: 1) Bruce thinking Taboo was pretty much charades, acting out every clue, he was wrong. We let him go with it because it was hilarious. Bruce was on my team and at one point, all I said was, "I don't want to point to that". Bruce said belly button. I have no idea where that came from, but he was right. 3) My nephew Jonas (2years) was bawling before we started playing. We were all asking him what was wrong and he blubbered out "TABOO". I guess someone told him he couldn't play and that made him real upset. Apparently everyone wants to get in on the action. 4)After realizing that the word he was supposed to describe was Sigmund Freud, not Siegfried and Roy, and saying clues like, "rhymes with shmaken" for bacon, Eric quickly became a Taboo favorite.

Friday, many turkey comas later, we went skiing and skating on the lake and ate more turkey, of course. I was house/kid sitting this weekend as well, so I brought the kids to the lake on Saturday, where it proceeded to snow about a foot. I am pretty sure they each went through 2 pairs of snow pants and about 3 pairs of gloves because is was so wet outside. Needless to say, I was exhausted after being a nanny for 2 days. I had a great time with those kids, and I love my nephew and nieces, but I am pretty sure it will be a disaster if I ever have kids, let that be known.

My family is so fantastic. We have the capability of laughing at each other all the time. We get really loud and really annoying I am sure, but you cannot stop us when we start laughing. We definitely know how to have a good time. My dad just sits there and rolls his eyes half the time. He is surrounded by cackling women alot, I am sure that gets old. We are all really close, but of course we get real annoyed with eachother sometimes, that's what families are for right? Thanksgiving is such a awesome family holiday!! I hope you all had a wicked good time with your loved ones this weekend!! I love Thanksgiving!!


Lis Lourie said...

OMG LOVE!! This post! We miss you guys SOO much over the holidays. Here is a good Taboo example- the last time I played, one of the ladies from our church was on a team with me and my mom. Her clue was 'This lady did a bad thing'. I shouted out 'Loraina Bobbit!' and I was totally right. I'm not sure if that's how you spell your name. Also I think Nate and Bobby hold the record for most words in one minute with like 78. They are the most telepathic of anyone I know. They love each other.

Lis Lourie said...

Oops I meant Nate and Matt Dyal. They seriously got like 100 words in 2 minutes.